Our Blog
Why SEA Partners’ Exist: Food Security (Part 2 of 3)
Poverty and hunger are commonplace in South Sudan. “Food security” is a term used to measure the extent to which a people group have access to safe and nutritious food.
US Threatens to Withdraw Support for South Sudan
This week, due to a lack of progress in the peace process and with the talks in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia stalled, the US threatens to withdraw support for South Sudan.
The Sad Truth about South Sudan
I spent this past week in Juba, the capital city of South Sudan. The sad truth about South Sudan is that there are many challenges and difficulties facing the Sudanese people. Take a look!
Volunteers Make Boma a Better Place: Clean Water
I was joined on my recent trip to South Sudan by a 3 man team from Dallas/Fort Worth who spent our week in Boma raising a water tower. This tower is the beginning of Phase 1 in developing a major water project. Clean water is rarely accessible in many areas of Africa and this is particularly true in South Sudan
Why Does SEA Partners Exist? (1 of 3) Vision 2018
A friend recently gave me a book entitled Mission Drift and reading it has prompted me to write you a brief history of SEA Partners and how we as an...
First Boma Girl to Attend High School
Judisa Johnson, one of the girls we sponsor in Kitale, Kenya, has been accepted to high school and is the first Boma girl to ever attain this level of education.
2017 in Review and Strategy for 2018
Thank you for all your prayers and support. I returned last month from South Sudan with a renewed excitement for what God has done in Boma this past year and great anticipation for what He will continue doing through you and SEA Partners in the year ahead. Here is our 2017 in Review and Strategy for 2018.
Raising Hope 150
Farming is the main livelihood for people in South Sudan. The United Nations has determined that 90% of all families in South Sudan depend on...
Educating Girls in South Sudan is Challenging
Educating girls in South Sudan is one of the most daunting challenges facing leaders of this new nation. While most in the West consider the...
Two Murle Students Perform Well in Kenyan Schools
Two Murle students perform well in Kenyan schools as they continue their education in a challenging environment. Just think for a minute what it would be like to study in a foreign country, learning your second and third language, all while competing for the opportunity to get into a good high school.
Encourage Peace in South Sudan
There are times when I feel like its hopeless but we must encourage peace in South Sudan. South Sudan needs our help. Will you join us?
Farmer Training Efforts Impacting the Community
I saw first hand the tremendous progress being made in SEA Partners’ agriculture programs. Praise the Lord! It was so encouraging to see the results of our farmer training efforts impacting the community in such a positive way.
Clean Water is Flowing Again in Upper Boma
Clean water is once again flowing in Upper Boma! Praise the Lord! After two previous attempts to repair the solar-powered well, we were able to...
One Orphan’s Story of Redemption
This week I received an amazing story from our African Director, Henry Okumu, about one of our students, Simon Peter Beko. Simon is studying in...
A Farmer’s Perspective in Boma, South Sudan
SEA Partners’ agriculture training program is having a tremendous impact on the lives of the local farmers in Boma. This week I received a transcript of an interview from one our trainees, Johnson Nyadaka. Johnson has been a part of this training for many years and we are so excited to see the skills he has learned begin to impact him and his community.
Seeds and Seedlings Planted in Boma
May has been a busy month in Boma. 200 plus fruit trees and 5 acres of corn, beans and vegetables have been planted to help relieve the suffering of the Murle people in Boma.
Bright Light of Hope Still Shining in War-Torn South Sudan
Starvation due to famine and political conflict is taking a devastating toll on South Sudan. But, in the midst of all this horror, I was also struck with a very real sense of hope as I witnessed many others called to minister and to comfort those less fortunate. One such bright light of hope was the work of Dr. Paul Thon Agok.
Goals for 2017
SEA Partners goals for 2017 provide the guidance for our ministry going forward. After much deliberation with the Board of Directors and the SEA Partners’ staff in South Sudan, we have determined five goals we would like to achieve this year.
Education is Key to Peace in South Sudan
Nyanet is a young boy of 5 or 6 who lives near the school in Boma. Nyanet is like most boys his age; very curious. Two years ago, as I was doing...
A Special Thank You from Boma
On behalf of the SEA Partners' family, I want to take this opportunity on this this blessed holiday of Thanksgiving to convey our appreciation and...