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Serving And Educating People Of South Sudan
You may or may not be a fan of the ‘80s TV series The A-Team, but you probably know the famous catchphrase from the show:
“I love it when a plan comes together.”
That’s how I am feeling after receiving a recent report from our Director, Henry Okumu. By the grace of God we transported 10 students from Boma to Kitale, Kenya in 2016 to continue their education. Our school in Boma only goes to the 8th grade, so in order for these boys to attend High School they needed to be moved to a place offering this opportunity.
Now 5 boys have graduated High School in Kitale and we are sponsoring them to learn a trade. After completing trade school they can go back to Boma with a skill and a means to earn a living to become self-sufficient.
To be honest, most of what we do in Africa rarely goes according to “the plan”. Even educating these boys has been difficult and full of challenges. And yet God has seen fit to bless us and to see our hopes and dreams for these kids come to reality. Praise the Lord! His direction and provision has provided these young men an opportunity that 99% of other Murle children have never had.
Next year we will have 5 more students from Kitale graduate High School and begin trade school. Some of these will be girls (who arrived in Kitale in 2013 due to the civil war in South Sudan) and may be the first ever Murle girls to attend trade school. Please keep them in your prayers as they complete this last year of High School.
Thank you so much for your prayers and support. Your gifts are producing fruit that will last forever.
Donnie Brake, Ed.D
Will You Please Help?
The people of Boma could surely use your help. In order to increase the farming project that will feed 200 school children, we need to start growing food now. Since schools will reopen in January, farm land must be cultivated and planted immediately. Please consider a gift to help us farm more land in September and October. Thank you!