Farming for Peace
Food security is defined to include both physical and economic access to food that meets people’s dietary needs as well as their food preferences. SEA Partners is committed to encouraging and supporting food security initiatives in Boma, South Sudan.
Our new project, Farming for Peace will provide long term food security for the entire Boma State. SEA Partners was given 1000 acres of land to develop a large-scale farm.
The objectives of Farming for Peace are:
- To increase food security and to create new assets for the people of Boma.
- To provide training and income for 1000 families.
- To develop a revenue stream that will allow for complete sustainability.
- To use the surplus to build and operate new schools and hospitals in South Sudan.
Project activities include:
- Planting 750 acres of cash crops like corn, beans, cassava and other vegetables.
- Planting 250,000 eucalyptus grandis trees to develop a long-term revenue stream.
- Planting 5000 fruit trees to improve the long-term food security of the people in Boma and produce additional income.
- Include the use of tractors and other mechanized equipment to increase the food production. See the great story of the tractors, God provided to SEA Partners. (Read More)
Program Viability and Sustainability opportunities:
- Selling eucalyptus trees for construction poles, firewood and charcoal to generate income for families.
- Selling the cash crops to markets in other parts of South Sudan to improve food security and income.
- Manufacturing and selling eucalyptus oil as a mosquito repellent to reduce malaria.
- Surplus will be used to support other schools and hospitals throughout South Sudan.
- Sustainability can be reached after 5 years once the trees are harvested and sold.