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Serving And Educating People Of South Sudan
My trip to Boma last week was very encouraging! I saw firsthand the school feeding program at Faith Learning Centre. Over 350 students are now receiving a healthy meal each day with this number likely to increase to over 450 in the next month or so as the Kachipo children return to school from a neighboring village.
Our new partner, For Africa, has chosen SEA Partners to receive food for the next three terms of school. Praise the Lord!
We are so grateful for all your prayers and support. God is using you to provide a quality Christ-centered education for children in South Sudan. Now we are also able to physically feed them each day as the school continues to expand.
Donnie Brake, Ed.D
Will You Please Help?
The people of Boma could surely use your help. In order to increase the farming project that will feed 200 school children, we need to start growing food now. Since schools will reopen in January, farm land must be cultivated and planted immediately. Please consider a gift to help us farm more land in September and October. Thank you!