Vincent Owino: A Decade with SEA Partners
Call Us Today! 1-214-704-0628 Give A Gift Today See Farming For Peace Serving And Educating People Of South Sudan As we are awaiting news from Boma about the arrival of our team, I thought it would be good to highlight our Director Vincent Owino. I asked him to write...
Boma Staff is Resupplied!
Great news: Our Boma Staff is resupplied! A plane landed at the Upper Boma airstrip to resupply our staff with food, supplies and medicines. After weeks of preparation we were able to complete this important task. We thank God for answering our prayers! Additionally,...
Amazing Grace: Flights to Boma!
Amazing Grace: Flights to Boma! Being on the first plane to fly into and then out of Upper Boma in 40 years was for me, an experience of a lifetime. Thank you for all your prayers and support! We landed and took off safely, which now opens the door for expanded...
The Sad Truth about South Sudan
I spent this past week in Juba, the capital city of South Sudan. The sad truth about South Sudan is that there are many challenges and difficulties facing the Sudanese people. A nation that began with such hope in 2011 is now struggling to keep from drowning in a sea...