Getting Healthy, Staying Healthy
A major goal of SEA Partners is to train personnel and supply the opening of a basic medical clinic in Upper Boma. Presently, those who are in need of medical attention must walk 8 ½ miles down the mountain to the nearest clinic in Lower Boma and that service is experiences a sever lack of medicines and medical personnel. In order to provide health care to the villagers, SEA Partners staff members are trained to dress treat minor issues using medical supplies donated by organizations and individuals in the United States. Our goal is to set up a clinic in Upper Boma to accommodate all the students and their families in the area. To do this we must:
- Build a small clinic: $12,000
- Hire a medical staff member who would live and work in Boma. $ 10,800 per year
- Procure through volunteers or purchase medical supplies and medicines. $ 5,000 per year.
- Include “medical missions” program into the volunteer activities in Boma.
In addition, teaching the community regarding community health and sanitation issues continues both as part of our school curriculum and through the training we provide for women. Dissemination of basic information about the importance of health and hygiene is done to build people’s capacity to take control of their own health to ensure a healthy community. The staff of SEA Partners and volunteers provide this basic training ongoing.