The SEA Partners’ goals for 2017 provide the guidance for our ministry going forward. After much deliberation with the Board of Directors and the SEA Partners’ staff in South Sudan, we have determined five goals we would like to achieve this year. Achievement of these goals will be challenging, but the results of accomplishment will have long-term benefits for the people in Boma.

1. To repair two wells that have been damaged and are unusable. The well used by the children in school has been an ongoing challenge. We believe a well repair specialist will need to be brought to Boma to assess the problem and to make the appropriate repairs. Also, the solar-powered well in the SEA Partners’ compound has been damaged by a stray bullet and we need to replace a solar panel to repair it. The total cost of this project is $9,000.

The well in the school compound produces some water, but the seals have been damaged due to overuse.

The well in the school compound produces some water, but the seals have been damaged due to overuse.

2. To rebuild two classrooms that were destroyed in the rebel uprising in 2013. Through the generosity of our donors, we were able to repair 8 classrooms in 2014-2015 so that educating the Boma children could continue. There were two classrooms destroyed down to the foundation that were unable to be repaired without additional funding. We would like to repair these two classrooms in 2017. The cost to repair them is $30,000.


As you can see, the classrooms in the distant right still need to be repaired.

3. To develop a Virtual Training Center. The internet is a great source of information. When we need an answer, we simply “Google” it. There are so many good training videos, articles and websites that would help train our teachers and staff, the students and local villagers. With internet connectivity, our staff to listen to online sermons and Bible studies that would improve their walk with Christ. In turn, they could share those truths with our students at Faith Learning Center. The cost of this goal is in two parts: hardware and monthly internet fees. Since Boma is in a very remote area of South Sudan, the cost to install the satellite dish and to wire it for WiFi is $17,000. The monthly costs for the internet fees is $400.

Cow peas were planted in May 2014 to provide a source of green vegetables for the SEA Partners staff.

Cow peas were planted to provide training for the locals and is a source of green vegetables for good nutrition.

4.To increase the size and scope of the Demonstration Farm. It has always been our focus to provide for the physical needs of the people in Boma. We created a Demonstration Farm of 20 acres to train the local villagers on the best practices of farming. This year we want to expand it and have been given 1000 acres to farm. To do this we will need a tractor to help us clear the land and to plow larger areas. Instead of planting crops on 20 acres, we will be able to do almost 100 with a tractor. The cost of a tractor and its transportation to Boma is $35,000.






5. Complete the airstrip in Upper Boma. Boma consists of two main areas: Lower Boma (called Iti) and Upper Boma (Jonglei). Lower Boma has a nice airstrip but to get our equipment and supplies to Upper Boma, we must climb the Boma mountain…almost 5 miles up. There is an old airstrip in Upper Boma that is overgrown but could become a real asset to our organization. If we can clear it (and the tractor would really help in this area), several pilots have told us that it can be a good landing spot for us that would enable us to fly in all our supplies. The Upper Boma airstrip is about 400 meters from the SEA Partners compound and the school. The cost of clearing the leveling the airstrip is $20,000.

These are our five goals for 2017. Even as we have discussed this over the last few months, it sounds impossible. Fortunately, we serve a big God who can do “immeasurably more that we can ask or imagine.” If you would like to help accomplish one or more of these goals, please give a gift online.

Thank you.

SEA Partners Staff