In March 2014, SEA Partners began a school feeding program for 150 students at Faith Learning Center in Boma, South Sudan. After a record harvest of corn and beans, SEA Partners has been able to provide fresh, home-grown food for the students to eat each day during their lunch period. What a blessing!
Three Reasons “Why” this is Important
1. Food is costly to import to Boma. By growing food near the school, SEA Partners can reduce overhead and provide the students fresh food each day for lunch. It has been proven by numerous studies that when students eat healthy food, they can focus on their studies and learn.
2. It is an encouragement for the community to see that food for the children can grown in Boma and that the project is one step closer to self-sustaining. The parents still have the challenge of providing food for their children, so knowing that their child will receive a healthy meal at school, encourages them to send their children to Faith Learning Center.
3. Due to the longstanding problem of hunger and famine, growing food in Boma will encourage the local people to grow their own food. After 50 years of war and famine, the Murle in Boma have an opportunity to provide for themselves and become self-sufficient. SEA Partners can be a conduit to show the way forward for the Murle people.
Future Outlook
As we look into the future, it is critical for SEA Partners to increase the size of our agricultural program. This year we planted about 5 acres of land and we hope to plant 20 acres in 2015. In order to plant 20 acres we will need more tools, seeds and workers to make this happen. If you are interested in helping us with this program, please consider a gift to help us purchase more tools and seeds. We hope to raise $8,000 this year to increase out agricultural program which will enable us to completely feed our school children throughout the year.
Thank you for all your prayers and support. Your support has helped feed 150 children every day and allowed them to be educated through a Christian worldview.
In His service,
Donnie Brake
PS. Raising $8,000 to provide project-sustainability is a small amount but will have a huge long-term effect on the people in Boma.