50 Day Challenge

by | Oct 14, 2016 | Uncategorized | 0 comments

The 50 Day Challenge is

“Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.” – Proverbs 22:6

SEA Partners have been in Boma over a decade and our very first class has now progressed to the 8th grade. Their success is due to the generosity of many wonderful partners that supported them each and every year for the past decade. These children have learned to read, write and speak English so well that if you went to visit them in Boma you could carry on a normal conversation. It is hard to believe they are the first generation of their families that have attended school…imagine being the first child of your family to receive an formal education.

So, starting TODAY…..we begin the 50 Day Challenge! The 50 Day Challenge is our campaign aimed at sponsoring one new child per day for the next 50 days.Starting today, October 14th, there are 50 days until the December 2.

To read more about this go to the following link. 50-day-challenge-email