We Exist To...

Educate the Future Leaders of East Africa

We Exist To...

See Christ Glorified Through His People

We Exist To...

Meet The Basic Human Needs of Those in Marginalized Communities

Serving South Sudan and East Africa

Educating Children

We develop future leaders of troubled nations by providing an education for children who have no other options



We share the gospel through church
planting, Christian education, and youth mentorship

RAISED: $2,800  |  GOAL: $60,000


Community Development

We develop food security, community health, and clean water programs to people in marginalized communities

RAISED: $11,700  |  GOAL: $116,000

Sustainability = Permanent Viability

We believe creating permanent viability requires equipping and empowering people and organizations to become sustainable

A Look at Sea Partners

Sudan Evangelical Alliance Partners (SEA Partners) began serving the people of South Sudan in 2004. It was our hope that we could share God’s love in a war-torn nation. Our goals are to provide educational opportunities for boys and girls alike, and to provide economic and community development to the Boma region. These programs are critical for the survival of the Murle, Kachipo and Jie tribal villagers and will be a catalyst for spreading the gospel of peace in South Sudan.


Paul Slack - CEO, Vende Digital

“We love to support this ministry because of how they are making a real impact for Christ in Africa. We are all called to look after the needy among us and SEA-Partners gives us an opportunity to provide support in some of the most needy places on the planet. Their work is meeting basic human needs and building a better future while sharing the love and hope of Christ!”

Our Latest News

2019 Was a Special Year in Boma: Check it Out!

2019 Was a Special Year in Boma: Check it Out!

"Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all we ask or think...."  Ephesians 3:20  Wow! Praise the Lord! This year in Boma has simply progressed beyond what I imagined would be possible. 2019 was a special year in Boma. Two years ago we began praying...

Farming for Peace a Reality in Boma

Farming for Peace a Reality in Boma

In July of 2015, Henry Okumu, Vincent Owis, Mike Funk and I birthed the idea of  Farming for Peace. It was our prayer that this initiative would provide economic opportunities for the people in Boma while giving them an alternative to these constant tribal conflicts...

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