Two weeks ago we introduced Junior Onyango as our newest missionary/teacher in Boma, South Sudan. Since that time, Henry Okumu provided us with Junior’s testimony of faith in Christ. I wanted to share that story so that you would know him and can pray for him each day.
God’s Faithfulness to a Young Man
When the last of Junior’s parents passed on, he was at first quite uncertain how he and his younger brother would face life. He was only 14 then and was attending baptismal classes. He remembers how his Bible class teacher encouraged him with a verse from John 15:5 where Jesus told His disciples ….”If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me , you can do nothing.” From that moment he decided to surrender his life to Christ, for that is what he understood Jesus meant in that scripture.
Having since remained obedient to the will of Christ, and having now seen what Christ has done in his life, he has confidence that living a life of obedience to Christ is the best choice he has ever made in his life. He confidently testifies that if it were not for Christ he’d not be where he is today – having the opportunity to serve as a missionary in South Sudan with SEAP as a witness for Christ who can lead others to acknowledge that apart from Christ their lives would be like chasing the wind.
Junior’s Bio
Junior Onyango is 22 years old. He is a great friend of Henry’s son, Emmanuel. As noted above, he grew up as an orphan and was raised by his uncle. Junior has been an undergraduate student studying a course in Industrial Chemistry at the Technical University of Mombasa. In September this year he deferred his studies to look for employment in order to raise funds to complete his course. It was then that he was recommended to me by Emmanuel as person with the desired characteristics for volunteering to serve with SEAP in a hard place like Boma.
Please pray for Junior that he adapts to the challenges of living in Boma and that he impacts the community for Christ. His desire is to serve the Lord and we are grateful for his willingness to serve.
Onward in Christ,
Donnie Brake