Famine in South Sudan: SEAP Staff Save a Life

by | May 7, 2014 | Uncategorized | 0 comments

Here is the second installment of Henry’s updates. The famine in South Sudan is severe, but the staff of SEA Partners is standing in the gap to help nurse people to health one person at a time,

SEA Partners’ Staff Save a Life
Lumonyo was healthy and strong when he fled from the recent conflicts to take refuge in one of the caves in Kaywa village. After many days alone in the cave without food, his body began succumbing to starvation. One day as Vincent and Ken were visiting Kaywa, they stumbled upon the dying man. In Vincent’s own words, “God took us to this old man who might have died the following day”. They fed him daily for three weeks on a diet of glucose solution and milk until he was able to sit up and eat solid food. He’s now out of danger and with the new pants and shirt provided him, he is feeling and looking even better than his former self (see pictures below).
Prayer for Pastor Mathew Kaka
Pastor Mathew (red shirt) is seen here ministering in the Boma Church on Sunday morning, April 27th. The next day he received word that his sister was being beaten by her husband and went to her tukal to intervene. When he arrived, his brother-in-law rushed out and attacked him with a machete, severely wounding his head, arms and legs. Because there was little those present could do for him, he lay bleeding until losing consciousness. The next morning Mathew was carried to the nearby army camp where he was given an IV drip and his wounds cleaned. Henry was told of this situation upon his arrival in Boma and immediately went to prayer with the staff. Two days later when Henry left, Mathew was still unconscious.  
Mathew has been involved in the pastor training sessions we have conducted in Boma and is not only a godly young man with a heart for seeing Jesus become Savior to those in his community, but a good friend to all of us who know him. I believe God has further work for Mathew in Boma and ask that you join us in prayer for his healing.

The above two stories summarize the hardships faced by the people of Boma as hunger and violence are becoming increasingly prevalent in South Sudan. Please pray for the leadership of this country that their hearts would be turned from selfish ambition to that of a servant to their people.

Personal Note
Situations like these in South Sudan are continual reminders of just how blessed we are here in America. Every good thing we have is a gift from God. And beyond being   
Lumonyo Before

thankful, we need to know God’s heart in caring for those who can not care for themselves. To God, religion that is pure and faultless is sharing our resources with the orphan, the widow……..the poor (James 1:27). We don’t give to be blessed, we give because we have been blessed. The needs around us should serve as a challenge to loosen our grip on the material/temporal things of life and free us to serve the Lord with all of our being.

For those of us who have been to Boma and experienced the life and the joy of this community, it is heartbreaking to hear what is taking place. But we must

Lumonyo After

remember, Christ forever remains on the throne over all Creation and He reigns in power and in love over us and over those in Boma, South Sudan.

Thank you for participating in this ministry.

Jesus is King!

Micheal Harris

SEA Partners Board Member

PS. Please prayerfully consider a gift to help us care for the people in Boma.