In this final installment from Director Henry Okumu, our focus is on the school, Faith Learning Center. This school is the only educational opportunity for the children in Boma, South Sudan. We currently have six outstanding teachers from Kenya training our children each day. Education in Boma, South Sudan is being conducted successfully by SEA Partners and the staff led by Project Manager, Vincent Owino. He is well respected among the Murle people and our Boma staff. He has been a valuable member of our team.
Henry’s Update
Faith Learning Centre:
The school feeding program sustains over 100 students in school. Crops were planted and harvested by the SEA Partners staff and provide a good meal for the children each day. Despite the success of this program, 13 students relocated with their parents to Ethiopia in this second half of the current semester. Why? Because the famine is very severe and there is no adequate food aid to survive on. While there is food for the children, the parents cannot find enough food for their families. The 13 students were simply too young to be left behind by relocating parents.
Developing long-term food security solutions is one area that SEA Partners continues to emphasize as we look to plant and cultivate more land. In doing so we hope to provide new jobs, expertise, and training to the local Murle giving them an opportunity to develop and sustain a source of income and food. This will take time to complete but with God’s help we can succeed. Please continue to pray for us as we continue developing the agriculture portion of our project. In order to serve the people of South Sudan, food security and education must go together.
Finalizing the Repairs
The work of removing the old roof and putting a new roof on the classroom block that houses first and second graders is complete; and the veranda of the building has also been fitted with metal pillars to give it a more permanent support. The structures are now in very good shape and the repairs from the conflict in 2013 are completed. We thank God for your generous support. Your kindness was very important and has enabled us to repair the classroom to more effectively teach the children.
Henry Okumu
Director: SEA Partners
We thank God for your generosity. It has been a challenging two years to rebuild the classrooms and re-engage with the people in Boma. But, by the grace of God, we have done it! I am so excited to see what God is going to do in the years to come. We are having an eternal impact on the community of Boma, and you have been partners with us on this journey.
If you would like to send a gift to help SEA Partners continue this important work, please give an online gift. No matter how big or small, your gift will influence the lives of children in South Sudan.
Thank you for all your help.
Donnie Brake, Ed.D.
PS. I have updated many of the pictures on our website for your review. Please go to to see the updates.