Foster Care of Kitale Kids in Kenya

Often children in Boma, through circumstances not of their own making, are unable to continue their education. When tribal violence occurs, the school shuts down and the children and their families flee to safety. As a result, the government officials and the local villagers have asked SEA Partners to move some of their children to Kenya to continue their education. SEA Partners has developed a “Foster Care” program in Kitale, Kenya to allow the Boma children to continue their education.

Currently there are 16 children from Boma studying in Kitale, Kenya.
10 of those children (6 boys and 4 girls) are in high school.
These children are sponsored totally by SEA Partners.
These children attend public and private schools and are mentored by SEA Partners staff members in this Christian faith.
The cost to support these children is $100 per month each.

Next Steps

Due to the continued violence in Boma, 15 additional children are in jeopardy of losing their educational opportunities. SEA Partners believes these children, for their own safety, must join the other children in Kitale. Unfortunately, the cost is challenging for us to manage under our current budget. The initial cost to move these children is $948 per student and will be about $117 per month for room, board and school fees.

If you feel led to help the children continue their education, please give a gift online.

Please help these kids finish their education

PO Box 271209
Flower Mound, TX 75027
